<% dim id,rs,rse,exec,rstt,exectt,tt,tt2 id = request.querystring("id") session("zghid")=id if id = "" or not isnumeric(id) then response.write "" response.end end if exec="select * from shop_fl where id="&id set rse=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rse.open exec,conn,1,1 if rse.eof then rse.close set rse = nothing conn.close set conn = nothing response.write "" response.end end if set rstt=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") exectt="select * from shop_fl where id="&id rstt.open exectt,conn,1,1 if rstt.eof then rstt.close set rstt = nothing conn.close set conn = nothing response.write "" response.end end if tt = rstt("id") tt2 = rstt("sid") %> <%=config("title")%> " /> " /> 锘?/head>
products 浜у搧涓績
    <% set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") exec="select * from [shop] where ssfl="&id&" or sid="&id&" order by px_id asc,id desc" rs.open exec,conn,1,1 if rs.eof then response.Write " 姝ゅ垎绫昏繕娌℃湁娣诲姞浜у搧!" else rs.PageSize =20 '姣忛〉璁板綍鏉℃暟 iCount=rs.RecordCount '璁板綍鎬绘暟 iPageSize=rs.PageSize maxpage=rs.PageCount page=request("page") if Not IsNumeric(page) or page="" then page=1 else page=cint(page) end if if page<1 then page=1 elseif page>maxpage then page=maxpage end if rs.AbsolutePage=Page if page=maxpage then x=iCount-(maxpage-1)*iPageSize else x=iPageSize end if %> <%For i=1 To x%>
  • <%=rs("title")%>
  • <%rs.movenext next %> <% end if %>


    <% set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") exec="select * from [shop] where ssfl="&id&" or sid="&id&" order by px_id asc,id desc" rs.open exec,conn,1,1 if rs.eof then response.Write " 姝ゅ垎绫昏繕娌℃湁娣诲姞浜у搧!" else rs.PageSize =10 '姣忛〉璁板綍鏉℃暟 iCount=rs.RecordCount '璁板綍鎬绘暟 iPageSize=rs.PageSize maxpage=rs.PageCount page=request("page") if Not IsNumeric(page) or page="" then page=1 else page=cint(page) end if if page<1 then page=1 elseif page>maxpage then page=maxpage end if rs.AbsolutePage=Page if page=maxpage then x=iCount-(maxpage-1)*iPageSize else x=iPageSize end if %> <%For i=1 To x%>
  • " rel="load_pic" title="<%=rs("title")%>" class="propic">" width="308" height="380" alt="" />


    fuji Products " rel="load_pic" title="<%=rs("title")%>">
  • <%rs.movenext next %> <% end if %>
<%'浠ヤ笅鏄剧ず鍒嗛〉 call PageControl(iCount,maxpage,page,"border=0 align=center","

") rs.close set rs=nothing rstt.close set rstt=nothing %>